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Evaporative Misting Cooling Systems

Who We Are?

Since 1984, our company always has been leading to first introducing and applications about heating industrial and commerical places with high energy efficient new technologies. From 2010, it started to its studies to give service about evaporative misting cooling of places, which is not possible to cool with conventional systems.
It puts into service devices and equipments, which takes its guiding spirit from nature, eco-friendly, healthy and has high energy efficieny.

As a result of global climate change, every passing year, the temperature conditions are getting worse and difficult. This condition leads to non-cognisable loss on production, raw material and labor force sources. This is a problem, which must be solved urgently.
Besides these; rapid urbanisation, and pace of life move away individuals from nature and force them to limit their lives indoor places like home and office. Naturally, we prefer to spend our remaining free times at outdoor places. Of course, this can be only actualised by forming convenient comfortable conditions; refreshing without suffocating by summer heat, and without getting cold in winter.

With the advantage of having expert qualification for heating commercial and industrial places at the end of thirty years, our company started to move forward on specialisation process about evaporative cooling with putting behind pupilage.

Either industrial and commercial indoor places, or outdoor places, this subject is spreaded on a large area like humidification, odour and dust supression besides classical cooling applications. You can have information about these and we will also share informations about very different cooling system’s and technologies’ theoretical basis via this website.
As you follow us for thirty years about industrial and commercial place heating, you can also learn about new systems, technique and applications for evaporative cooling.

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